NHSA Revises 2024 NRDL Drug Information Based on Public Feedback

NHSA Revises 2024 NRDL Drug Information Based on Public Feedback

China’s National Healthcare Security Administration (NHSA) has announced revisions to the information about certain drugs on the 2024 National Reimbursement Drug List (NRDL) following public feedback. These changes reflect the NHSA’s commitment to transparency and responsiveness in managing the country’s drug reimbursement policies.

Specific Drug Updates
The NHSA has confirmed that multi-trace elements injection (Ⅲ) was an exclusive drug until June 30, 2024. Additionally, avapritinib is still considered an exclusive drug, despite the addition of a domestic approval holder due to local manufacturing. According to the established rules, both drugs are ineligible for conversion into Category B statuses and will remain as negotiated products. The NRDL payment standards and remarks for these drugs will remain unchanged.

Significance of the Revision
This revision of the NRDL is part of the NHSA’s ongoing efforts to ensure that the drug reimbursement list accurately reflects the current market and regulatory environment. By incorporating public feedback, the NHSA aims to enhance the fairness and effectiveness of the drug reimbursement system, benefiting both patients and healthcare providers.-Fineline Info & Tech

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