China Unveils Measures to Boost Foreign Investment in R&D Centers

The Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Science and Technology, with the agreement of the State Council, have released a series of measures designed to encourage foreign investment in the establishment of research and development (R&D) centers in China. These initiatives aim to enhance scientific and technological innovation, improve the convenience of R&D activities, attract overseas talent, and strengthen intellectual property protection.

Supporting Scientific and Technological Innovation
The application process for qualified foreign R&D centers will be optimized, allowing these centers to access large scientific research instruments, scientific and technological reports, and data from major national scientific projects. Collaboration between foreign R&D centers and domestic universities, research institutes, and vocational schools will be encouraged, with a focus on protecting intellectual property rights. Foreign R&D centers will also be supported in setting up training bases, joint laboratories, and open innovation platforms. Financial institutions will be encouraged to provide financial support for foreign R&D centers to engage in basic and cutting-edge research.

Improving the Convenience of Research and Development
Efforts will be made to strengthen cross-border data security management, ensuring the safe, orderly, and free flow of R&D data. The government will improve the system for transferring intellectual property rights and provide convenient quarantine approval for genetically modified organisms and biomaterials imported for national and provincial scientific research projects.

Encouraging the Introduction of Overseas Talents
Foreign-funded R&D centers will be allowed to apply for work permits and residence permits for team members, facilitating the long-term stay of overseas talents in China. A green channel will be established for high-end and scarce talents employed by foreign R&D centers, providing assistance in social security and title review processes.

Ramping Up Intellectual Property Protection
The scope of trade secret protection will be clarified, with improved infringement proceedings and enhanced judicial protection for trade secrets. The government will fully implement a punitive compensation system for intellectual property infringement, strengthening administrative adjudication of patent disputes.-Fineline Info & Tech

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