Viatris Secures Late-Stage Programs from Idorsia with Potential for Future Asset Additions

US pharmaceutical company Viatris (NASDAQ: VTRS) has entered into a licensing agreement with Swiss drugmaker Idorsia (SWX: IDIA), in-licensing two late-stage programs with the option to add two more innovative assets in the future. Viatris will pay Idorsia an upfront fee of USD 350 million, along with potential milestone payments and sales royalties in exchange for the commercialization rights.

One of the assets is the P2Y12 inhibitor selatogrel, a fast-acting, self-administered subcutaneous injection designed to protect the heart muscle in the early phase of an acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and prevent early death. It is being developed as an emergency treatment for AMI patients with a history of the condition.

The other asset is cenerimod, an S1P1 receptor modulator administered as a once-daily tablet, currently in two Phase III studies for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). These agreements underscore Viatris’s commitment to expanding its pipeline and bringing innovative treatments to market.

This strategic deal highlights the potential for Viatris to bolster its portfolio with Idorsia’s promising late-stage compounds, offering new treatment options for patients and strengthening Viatris’s position in the cardiovascular and immunology spaces.-

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