BioTroy Therapeutics Receives US FDA IND Approval for Anti-Tumor Drug BT02

BioTroy Therapeutics, a Shanghai-based developer of cancer immunotherapies, has announced the receipt of Investigational New Drug (IND) approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for its innovative anti-tumor drug, BT02. This monoclonal antibody (mAb) targets solid tumors with a novel mechanism, representing a significant step forward in cancer treatment.

Novel Target and Scientific Breakthroughs
The scientific discoveries underlying the BT02 target mark breakthroughs in the understanding of T cell functional suppression, immune privilege, and tumor immune evasion. These advancements could potentially revolutionize the way solid tumors are approached in immunotherapy, offering new hope for patients.

BioTroy’s Comprehensive Platform
Backstopped by a substantial funding of RMB 150 million, BioTroy boasts a comprehensive platform that includes the BioTroy Engine for tumor multi-omics analysis, receptor ligand discovery, target signal transduction pathway research, antibody discovery and engineering, in vivo pharmacodynamics, and large animal translational medicine. Additionally, the company focuses on biomarkers and precision medicine, further solidifying its position at the forefront of cancer immunotherapy research and development.-Fineline Info & Tech

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