Gilead’s Bulevirtide-PegIFN Combo Achieves High HDV Remission Rates in Phase IIb Trial

Gilead Sciences Inc. (NASDAQ: GILD), a biopharmaceutical company at the forefront of HIV and liver disease treatments, last week reported results from a Phase IIb clinical trial for its first-in-class entry inhibitor, bulevirtide, in combination with pegylated interferon alfa-2a (PegIFN) for the treatment of compensated chronic hepatitis delta virus (HDV) infection, recognized as the most severe form of viral hepatitis. The trial data revealed that, after 48 weeks post-treatment discontinuation, the highest dosage regimen led to undetectable HDV RNA levels in 46% of patients, marking the highest post-treatment response rates ever documented for HDV.

Moreover, the safety profile of the drug combination was found to be in line with those of the individual components, with the majority of adverse events classified as mild to moderate.

Gilead highlighted that HDV impacts an estimated 5% of individuals living with chronic hepatitis B (HBV), with a global prevalence affecting approximately 12 million people.-

Insight, China's Pharmaceutical Industry