Sichuan Huiyu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (SHA: 688553), a China-based pharmaceutical company, has announced that it has received clinical trial approval from the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) for its Category 2.2 modified drug, HY-2003. This drug is designed to improve moderate to severe contour protrusion caused by subcutaneous fat accumulation in adults.
Deoxycholic Acid: A Proven Mechanism for Fat Dissolution
Deoxycholic acid, the active ingredient in HY-2003, is known for its ability to physically destroy adipocytes and trigger inflammatory reactions that promote macrophages to clear damaged adipocytes, thus dissolving local fat deposits. US-based AbbVie’s (NYSE: ABBV) deoxycholic acid product was the world’s first to be approved for improving the accumulation of fat under the chin in adults and is registered in the US, European Union, Australia, and Canada.
HY-2003: A New Formulation with Potential Advantages
HY-2003, a new dosage form containing deoxycholic acid, is expected to offer several advantages over existing treatments. These include reducing adverse reactions at the injection site, shortening medication intervals, accelerating onset time, and reducing dosing cycles. This new formulation addresses a significant unmet need, as no similar product has been approved in China to date.-Fineline Info & Tech