Shanghai-based United Imaging Healthcare Co., Ltd. has announced the installation of an ultra-wide-bore AI-empowered uMR OMEGA at XRANM’s Breast Health & Imaging Center in New Mexico, United States. This cutting-edge installation marks a significant advancement in patient care and comfort in the field of medical imaging.
The uMR OMEGA: Combining Comfort and Technology
The uMR OMEGA stands out for its calming Starlight Experience, which, combined with its ultra-wide bore, makes it an ideal choice for patients affected by obesity and claustrophobia. This innovative design allows for a more comfortable and less stressful imaging experience, expanding care to a broader range of patients who may have previously found traditional MRI machines challenging.
AI-Assisted Compressed Sensing for Rapid, High-Resolution Exams
One of the most notable features of the uMR OMEGA is its AI-assisted compressed sensing (uAI ACS) technology. This advanced system enables complete, high-resolution exams to be performed in under 100 seconds, significantly reducing the time patients spend in the MRI machine. The efficiency and speed of uAI ACS not only improve patient experience but also enhance the productivity of imaging centers.-Fineline Info & Tech